Thursday, November 25, 2021



Dear Reader, 

As we draw closer to the end of this year we are forced in a way to take a look back at the year and begin to evaluate ourselves, our successes, and even our failures.  

I know that for some, this time of the year is the most enjoyable time and we look forward to being with family and friends, eating, sharing, laughing, and just having a great time. I mean who doesn't enjoy good food and great company, right? 

As I sit here doing the same thing as mentioned above, I can't help but look back and evaluate my year. I also think about some family and friends that are not in the picture. It's so easy to get lost and consumed by what is lost, to fall into the grips of sadness as we think about those loved ones who are not around or even that business venture that fell through causing us to feel like we failed. It's so easy to become bitter or even angry during these special times. 

I would like to offer you a different perspective. You see, as I sit here alongside you thinking about the same things as you are right now, I can't help but feel overwhelmed and even somewhat emotional.  In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, it states: 

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 

I know some of you are probably thinking how can I give thanks when I lost so much. How can I be thankful when I failed? Hey listen, I have been there as well. It is not easy to be in a state of thanksgiving, however, it's something we can do. 

As I have been on this journey this past month or so, just thinking about what it actually means to be thankful. I have discovered that when we begin to shift our focus from inward to upward, the thankfulness just begins to pour out. 

For that person that lost someone special in your life when you begin to look upward, you will find that we didn't lose that special person, the memories and special moments live on in our hearts. We can begin to be thankful for those moments that we did have. The feeling of sadness begins to lift away as joy fills you up. 

For that person that feels like a failure because that business venture fell through. As you look upward you will see that maybe it wasn't a failure, but more so an experience that you have under your belt to try again and do things a bit differently. That experience will forever be with you and it help to guide you on your next attempt. 

Let us look upwards and give thanks in all our circumstances even when it is difficult. Let us turn our eyes away from ourselves and turn them to a God who loves us. He loves us so much that he sent His son Jesus Christ to come onto this earth and He laid his life on a cross so that we can live a life filled with grace and thankfulness. 

So on this day of thanksgiving, let us be thankful for all we have been given and all that has been taken away, so we have room for more.  I am thankful for each and every one of you who will and have read this blog or followed me on social media and those who have supported me along the way. 

Food for thought: 

"Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind" 

  Osbert Maldonado

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Monday, August 16, 2021


Dear Reader, 

WOW! It has been one month since my last blog. Time surely does fly and a lot happens in a month.  So this past month, I went from living in a cute apartment with my beautiful bride to living with my in-laws to save and get a house in the next two years or so. That's the plan at least. 

On top of that, I also found myself at a new job. This is going to be fun. 

You know sometimes God allows things to happen in our lives not because He's a mean god, but because He loves us.  Allow me to explain...

I have learned over the years that situations can either be your downfall/crutch or it can be your stepping stone/freedom. What makes the greatest difference is our outlook on the very situation that we are having. 

Let me use my recent loss of a job that I thought was going to be a career as my example. I did speak on it a couple blogs ago. It's called "In Who Do We Trust".  You see, when this sudden change happened I could have sat in my despair. I could have used this situation as my setback. I didn't know how I was going to provide for my family. I didn't know how I could possibly get out of debt, save for my own house, and so on. 

This setback, had I chosen to sit in the despair, would have destroyed me and my relationship. How? I'm sure some of you are thinking. Well if I had chosen to allow this situation to set me back. I wouldn't be the husband I vowed to be. I wouldn't be the man of God I claimed to be. I would have been overcome by guilt, shame, and complete defeat.  

I chose though to use my situation as a setup for God to use me, work in me, and bless me. I chose to see God through all of this. Now, because of all this, I have been able to work on other things with my time. I have been able to become stronger. "I lean not on my own understanding..." 

During this setup time, I feel closer to God. I feel there is so much more to do. 
Allow God to use your setback as your setup. You may not know all things, or what the plans are but the word of God is clear...God is for you and me. He loves us so much that He refuses to leave us the same. He accepts us where we are at, but He loves us too much to leave us there.  

What are you going to do when your storm comes? Use it as a setback or as a divine setup?  

Food for thought: 

"Be gracious to me, O God, for man has trampled on me; All day long the adversary oppresses and torments me...Read the whole chapter here.

    Osbert Maldonado

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Just Let It Go!

Dear Reader, 

Recently, I was organizing my closet, and this venture was not something I enjoyed doing. You see, organizing was more so cleaning out my closet and the necessity to get rid of some clothes that, well, were a bit tight. Yeah, you read that right...I gained some weight during these last few months. As with most things in my life, God speaks to me through the little things. 

So what were my options here? I could easily get myself in a major depression because I'm a little more rounder than I'd like to be, or I could do something about it, and thank God that I was able to have food on my table to make me plumpy (LOL) 

I began to try on some shirts...and nope, in the bag it goes. Some pants...nope, in the bag. At this moment, I began to feel a bit overwhelmed. Quickly realizing the feeling, I sat down on the edge of my bed, took a second, and asked myself, why am I getting so overwhelmed with letting go of clothes?

As I sat there looking within myself and questioning, I began to hear the answers. You see, God was showing me that I had some emotional connection to these clothes. Why? Well, because most of the clothes I had to get rid of were given to me. Letting it go, somehow translated to letting the persons that gifted me the clothes, down, as if somehow they would get upset, disappointed, or feel as if I didn't care about the gift they gave me. I'm not talking about something that was given to me like, yesterday. I mean, I had some of these clothes for over 5 years! 

I had to detach myself from that false thinking. Mostly because, well, it's wrong thinking. However, the other reality is, how is that person or persons going to know I got rid of it unless they ask me about it?  Obviously, that can happen, but the lie that they would feel disappointed or upset with me because I gained weight and couldn't wear it, is far from the truth. Let's face the reality. The fact is, that some of the shirts had some moth-bite holes, or I wore them so much that they were worn out. 

This made me think about relationships and connections to other things that can be unhealthy. How often do we hold onto someone because we don't want to hurt them, disappoint them, or make them upset? Meanwhile, those same persons aren't thinking the same way. Now hear me clearly! 

I am not saying "eye for an eye". I'm just pointing out that we sometimes hold onto toxic relationships without thinking about how the relationship is affecting us personally. 

Personally, yes, in my experience I've had to do this on a few occasions. I've had to let go of people who were not emotionally, or mentally healthy in my life. 

This was the revelation that came to me from God: 

You see, the moment that we put so much weight on people, and put them in our lives above God, they immediately become your God. I can go super deep on this, however, I'll leave this right here for you to think on it. 


God does not tolerate the transfer of the honor and worship that is due Him to any other being or object.
   Osbert Maldonado

Friday, May 28, 2021

What Did You Pick Up?

Original image - Copyright: (c) Thisisdon |

Dear Reader, 

It has been a month since I last wrote. There has been a lot of different things going on taking up a lot of my time. Needless to say, here I am taking some time to write and share. I have had something in my heart for some time and it's been a bit of a journey. 

This journey has caused me to self-reflect and ask myself the same question I am about to impose on you. 


How did I come up with such a forthright question? Well, that is what I am going to get into.  So let us dive right in...

To begin we need to reference 2 Kings 2:13-14 
"He picked up the mantle of Elijah that fell off him, and went back and stood by the bank of the Jordan. He took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and struck the waters and said, “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” And when he too had struck the waters, they divided this way and that, and Elisha crossed over."

Here we see that Elijah drops his mantle (coat) and Elisha PICKED IT UP. Not only did he pick it up, but he used it, he wore it (I'm adding my own thought here), and he claimed it as his own. For so long I was sitting on how Elijah never gave Elisha the mantle.

Here is where I started to begin my self-reflection and ask myself "What did I pick up?". In my journey, meaning my life, I have picked up a lot of things that I'm not proud of. I picked up such things: pride, labels, false identity, and a slew of other things that had it not been for Jesus, I would not be here writing this blog.

Now after an amazing day in December of 2017, I picked up something that changed my whole life...

Digging deeper into this story I discovered something, something amazing. Let's go back a book to

"So Elijah departed from there and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, while he was plowing with twelve pairs of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth. Elijah went over to him and threw his mantle (coat) on him."

Did you catch it? Just like that hidden in plain sight, Elijah gave Elisha his mantle. 

Now I pose this question to you: 


What was it that was given to you that you have claimed to be your truth? What habit do you have that you think you can't stop or let go of? What false identity are you living in? 

In this referenced story Elijah asks Elisha what can he give to him before being taken up to heaven. Elisha's reply was he wanted a double portion of what Elijah had. 

Let me encourage you right now!  God has placed something on you that is great. You have a purpose placed on you that is always under attack by the enemy. Allow God to give you a double portion. Allow God to show you, who you are in Him. Allow Him to show you how he sees you. 


  Osbert Maldonado

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Though You Looking Your Not Seeing

Dear Reader, 

It has been a busy few weeks. I want to share with you a poem that I had to write in High School. I don't remember the actual assignment per se, however, this poem was the result. The interesting thing about this poem is not the power of the words, but instead, hmmm well why don't you tell me? 

Though You Looking Your Not Seeing


You stood there and asked me to write a page and let it come out of me.
Then you said that it will be true. 
But how true can I be? Who is me, really? 
Let's see how I can bring me to a reality,
For you to see me as I see myself at this point in time. 
So many changes have occurred that my mind is all blurred. 
But attempt do I, to clear this from mine eye. 
Insecure and afraid, mute by choice, 
Though at times I wish I was more invisible to their demeaning eye. 

Held back, not able to move forward, not even able to grow! 
A young boy slammed into himself, sheltered and confused. 

Dare he, no, I come out, rub my, his eye and see that reality, that I, us, and we are free? 
How free am I really that years passed and still feel the pain from when I was only in grade three? 

Having trusted and believed in a Man I can't see, I opened up my most deep inner part of me.
But to then after so long believing I was free, he came and captured me. Who is He you ask? 
Well, quite simply that same one that had me, him, us, in a box. 

Such a plan to keep me from knowing me, can this really be me, insecure, afraid, lost, and lonely? 
By no means! 
I am not he and he truly isn't me. 

I am strong, secure, assured!
A product of time itself revealing true self. 
Through the abuse, hurt and pain I was able to rise and bloom! 

I stand here a new creation, a new form of self! 
A transformation, only capable of being made through His hands, His ways! 
Nonetheless, I am FREE!

Open your eyes and notice that I am not what you initially see, 
In order to really see me through mine eyes, come over to my side. 
I am more than just a product of your eyes!

  Osbert Maldonado
P.S.  I have my own MMCL apparel line, campaign ending soon, don't wait they will be sold out soon.